Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Native Americans and Vikings

Today, each group presented their projects. The first group to go was the Native Americans. Then the Vikings, and last but not least Christopher Columbus. Each group answered specific questions.

Native Americans: 

When did they arrive in America? They arrived 14,300 years ago. There is scientific proof that the ancient feces that contained DNA dated back that many years.

What present day place did they arrive at? The first group arrived in North America along the Pacific coastline. The second group arrived east on the Rocky Mountains.
*People that populated in North and South America: Indo-Europeans.*

How did they get to America? They were originally from Russia and they crossed over from Russia to Alaska (they were not Russian). They bridge that they crossed was called the Bering Strait/Beringian land bridge.

Were they the first to arrive in America? Yes, they were the firs to inhabit america. They did not  have to fight anyone because they were the first ones to the land.
*Indigenous: native to the land*

How was there time in America? Lived in America for thousands of years

Did they take care of the land? They did take care of the land because they believed it was very spiritual.


When did they arrive in America? They arrived in 1000 AD on a boat.

What present day place did they arrive at? Greenland and Canada

How did they get to America? They got to America by boat. Leif Eriksson traveled to Norway and converted there religion to Christianity.

Did they conquer America? No they left it for Leif Erikkson. They did not see the point. And they made some colonies in Greenland.

Were they sent by order? No they came on their own.

Did they stay in America? Yes, from 1000 AD-14th century, about 350 years.

Did they respect the land? Yes, they respected the land and pillaged other lands with no regard to the other people's land.

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