Monday, October 8, 2012

Christopher Columbus

Today, is Christopher Columbus day. We all were so upset that we did not have off school. We talked about Christopher Columbus and the things that he accomplished. He sailed the ocean blue in 1492. he also discovered America. When he was sailing he thought he came across India but he was mistaken. He had enslaved some people and cut off their hands. After we had a small discussion, we split up into 3 groups. Each group got to pick which topic they wanted to research on. My group chose Christopher Columbus.The other groups chose either The Natives or The Vikings. We have some questions to answer about our topic. Oh, and one last thing. We got a new student in class today. His name is Micheal. He is from Nigeria and he is a freshman. I heard he is about 6 foot tall 11 inches. He is very nice and the whole class was excited he joined section 2. 

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