Monday, September 24, 2012

God Grew Tired of Us (part 1)

Today, we took our first test on population terms and concepts. It was an easy first test but I am assuming they are going to get harder. After the test we watched a film called God Grew Tired of Us. It talked about how these three boys: Pather Bior, John Bul Dau, and Daniel Abul Pach struggled through the war between North and South Sudan in 1983. The Muslim attacked because they wanted to take over the land in Sudan because of all the oil Sudan had.  Two Million were killed. Basically all of Sudan fled from their home to Panyidu in Ethiopia. They remained there for three years until the  an new Ethiopian government kicked them out. They then fled to Kakuma, Keyna. There they stayed at a refugee camp. In 1987, the Muslims wanted all the Sudan males killed regardless of their age.

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