Friday, September 14, 2012

Did you know?

Did you know that China will soon become the number one English speaking country in the world?  Just reading the question is shocking, because China’s main language in Chinese and the United states’ is English. Did you know: Today, the number of text messages sent and received every day, exceeds the total population of the planet? Knowing that we as a whole text every second of everyday and it adds up to being more text messages the population of the earth! Today, all we do it text on our phones- it’s the means of communication now. Some people don’t talk on the phone or talk to people they are consumed with their phones. This world is changing drastically every minute of every day.
Today in class, most of the class’s blogs were down; they were either spammed or deleted. We took the majority of class to fix them….but we had no luck! Besides that, we finished talking about the rest of the CIA questions.  One interesting fact I learned today was, it took a long time to reach a billion people in the 1800s. The major thing that people are struggling with today is the economy and once one price goes up everything goes up. Lastly, today the class found out that Mr. Schick used to work for television, T.V shows, movies and credits. His name is in credits of the productions he worked for. Overall today was a good class, besides having some of our blogs not up and running. 

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