Friday, September 14, 2012

Explanations "Did you know?" Questions

Today in Class we talked in further detail about the "Did you know?" video...We talked as a class about each question.

India has more honor students than the Unites states does. The reason being is because India has 4x more people than the United States.

One of the most shocking questions was that China will soon be the most English speaking country. But Mr. Schick said that the Chinese teach the kids English as a second language just like in the United States we learn Spanish, German and French etc.

One confusing question that was in the video was that there are 13,000 people that are just like you but it does not mean that there is like duplicates of you. It means that you are unique and special.

Now, since we have smart phones and iPod's we store everything on them from photos to music to even games. Back in the day, everyone played records and now we can just go to iTunes and click shuffle and our songs can play for like three days.

Since everything is progressing I have a feeling that someone is going to invent a micro chip that we insert in our brain and we are going to be able to play and listen to music by just thinking about it.

Everything in this world is progressing sooner or later everything is going to be electronic.

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