Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Message to Garcia

Today in class Mr.Schick read to us 'A Message to Garcia'. It was more of a motivation for us students to work hard and not be lazy. The story was basically about a man named Rowan who was asked to deliver a letter to Garcia, but the thing was he never asked where Garcia was. It took him a while to get there but he delivered the letter without getting distracted by things around him-he was focused on getting the task done. The reason that Mr. Schick read this to us was like I said before for motivation. He really wants us to succeed this year and not be lazy doing it. If you are lazy it leads to procrastination and then eventually you are doing a homework assignment minutes before it is due, and most likely it is a rushed assignment and not your best work. Also, Mr.Schick gave us donuts today in class today :) We also heard some of Mr.Schick's childhood stories which were cool to hear. Today was a very informational class. And always remember to do the work with effort and not wait till the last minute.

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