Thursday, August 30, 2012

A Message to Garcia

Today in class Mr.Schick read to us 'A Message to Garcia'. It was more of a motivation for us students to work hard and not be lazy. The story was basically about a man named Rowan who was asked to deliver a letter to Garcia, but the thing was he never asked where Garcia was. It took him a while to get there but he delivered the letter without getting distracted by things around him-he was focused on getting the task done. The reason that Mr. Schick read this to us was like I said before for motivation. He really wants us to succeed this year and not be lazy doing it. If you are lazy it leads to procrastination and then eventually you are doing a homework assignment minutes before it is due, and most likely it is a rushed assignment and not your best work. Also, Mr.Schick gave us donuts today in class today :) We also heard some of Mr.Schick's childhood stories which were cool to hear. Today was a very informational class. And always remember to do the work with effort and not wait till the last minute.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

"Productive" Class

Arete- means "goodness" or being the best person you could possible be.

Polis- is a ancient Greek city-state.

Socrates- was a classical Greek philosopher who laid the fundamentals of modern western philosophy.

the death of Socrates- he was sentenced to death by drinking a hemlock- based liquid.

the Socratic method- is a form of debate and between individuals.

the date 508 BC- Cleisthenes grants full rights to all free men of Athens. 

agora- central to every Greek city and town. 

What did the ancient Greeks mean if the called someone an idiot? A person lacking "professional skill",or "private citizen".

Today was a class that I really didn't do much. Mr. Schick helped out the people who did not have their blogs up. While I was waiting, I spruced up my blog to make it look better than it did. We didn't get to talk about the Message of Garcia, so tomorrow that is probably all we are going to do. I met some new people in class and had a good time. Some of my classmates showed me how to put a screen saver thing on my computer. So at least now I know people and not sit there in silence the whole class time. So overall today's class was productive in my eyes- I was able to meet new people, fix up my blog and put a screen saver on my computer. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

My First Day in Human Geography

A new class to my academic experience, Human Geography was definitely an interesting class. We made assign seats, went over the syllabus and went over the rules and regulations in a class room setting. Mr.Schick explained the blog to us in depth and answered any questions that we had and I had a lot of them.  He also mentioned that we needed to keep updating the blog everyday and I thought that was going to be tough. The syllabus was pretty easy to follow along and keep up with. I think this semester with Mr.Schick is going to be well. I think he is going to challenge us, but in a good way. He did stress to us that if we don't say anything at all in class that is really going to effect our grade tremendously. Human Geography is going to interesting this year and full of fun things to do.

My First Day at John Carroll

As I woke up this morning the one thing that popped into my mind was "Whoa I am actually going to John Carroll!" I wasn't necessarily nervous about going to school but I definitely doubted whether or not I was ready to start in such a big school, because I attended a school that had seventy students. Of course when I arrived at school and went down to my locker I was not able to open it. But someone kindly helped me and I was on my way. All my classes were good but I felt like the things I had to do that night were piling up. But, that is what high school is- homework. Everyone in the hall ways always had a welcoming smile. All my volleyball friends would say "Hi" to me and I felt like I did belong at John Carroll. The one thing that most people fear and wonder when going into a new school is: "Who am I going to sit next to during lunch?" And of course I was one of those people. Thanks to Jamie i was no longer a loner at the lunch table. It came to the end of the day and I was looking forward to going to volleyball and see all my new friends that I had met. All and all my first experience at John Carroll was better than I ever imagined.