Friday, January 11, 2013

Guns, Germs and Steel

In Papua New Guinea, they never developed technology because they spent too much time feeding themselves. With enough food stored they can start progressing by making clothes, bronze etc. Americans produced about 20 million tons of wheat a year which is about 135 pounds of wheat for each American. Jared Diamond was set out to find the haves and have bots in the world.

Papua New Guinea is mostly mountainous and tropical. Their natural resources are gold, copper, limber etc. They have about 6 million people in their country but 125 thousand have internet, 130 thousand have main line phones and 2.4 million have cell phones. Three million are in the labor force. New Guinea has 562 airports but only 20 are paved. Their GDP percentage is good because it is 8.9% it is ranked 12th in the world. Their unemployment rate is 1.9% which is 49 out of 50 people who get a job. New Guinea is developing and almost to a developed country.    

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